
出生伊恩·莫瑞·麦凯伦(Ian Murray McKellen)
(1939-05-25) 1939年5月25日85岁)[1]
奖项Full list英语List of awards and nominations received by Ian McKellen

伊恩·麦凯伦爵士CH CBESir Ian Murray McKellen,1939年5月25日)是一位英国男演员,演艺事业横跨60个年头,演出作品的类型涵盖莎翁奇幻作品科幻。曾获得不计其数的奖项英语Ian McKellen, roles and awards,包含七座劳伦斯·奥利维尔奖、一座托尼奖、一座金球奖和一座美国演员工会奖。他也两度入围奥斯卡金像奖、五度入围Primetime Emmy Award、四度入围BAFTA奖。麦凯伦凭借著在电影中扮演的角色享誉全球,如在《理查三世英语Richard III (1995 film)》中饰演的理查三世、《众神与魔鬼》中的詹姆斯·惠尔《X战警》系列电影中的万磁王,以及指环王电影三部曲霍比特人电影三部曲中的甘道夫

英国广播公司(BBC)称道,麦凯伦的演出奠定了他在英国舞台剧和电影演员中的翘楚地位[2][3]。麦凯伦拿过英国所有的重要戏剧奖项,因此被认定为英国的文化偶像英语List of cultural icons of England[4][5]。他于1961年在Belgrade Theatre英语Belgrade Theatre首演,成为该剧院备受瞩目的成员之一,开启职业演员生涯,1965年,麦凯伦在西区剧院首次亮相,1969年受邀加入Prospect Theatre Company英语Prospect Theatre Company,主演莎剧《Richard II英语Richard II (play)》和马洛的《Edward II (play)英语Edward II (play)》,进而确立了他身为英国最重要的古典剧演员的地位。1970年代,麦凯伦成为皇家莎士比亚剧团皇家国家剧院的台柱,1981年凭借著在《Amadeus英语Amadeus (play)》中饰演安东尼奥·萨列里的表现,首度入围托尼奖并荣获最佳舞台剧男演员奖英语Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play

1991 New Year Honours英语1991 New Year Honours上,麦凯伦受封为下级勋位爵士,以表彰他对表演艺术的贡献;2008年英语2008 New Year Honours又凭借著对戏剧和平等的付出得到名誉勋位[6][7][8][9]。麦凯伦是已出柜的男同性恋,自1988年一直公开着性倾向,并持续在全球倡导LGBT权利运动。2014年10月,麦凯伦荣获伦敦市自由勋章[10]


麦凯伦于1939年5月25日出生于兰开夏伯恩利[11][12],父亲是Denis Murray McKellen,母亲是Margery Lois(娘家姓Sutcliffe)。他是家里的第二个孩子,有一个大他五岁的姐姐Jean[13]二战爆发前不久,麦凯伦一家搬至威根,在当地住到麦凯伦12岁为止。随着父亲被提拔,一家人于1951年搬家到博尔顿[13][14]。在战争时期度过童年的经验对他有着持久的影响,他日后说道:“只有在和平恢复以后……我才意识到战争并不正常” [14]。有采访者称麦凯伦在九一一袭击事件后看起来很冷静,麦凯伦回答道:“这个嘛,亲爱的,你恐怕忘了——我在4岁以前都睡在钢板底下呢。”[15]

麦凯伦的父亲是土木工程师[16]平信徒传教士,有爱尔兰新教徒英语Protestantism in Ireland和苏格兰人的血统[17]。麦凯伦的两个祖父都是传教士,曾曾祖父James McKellen是巴利米纳的一名“恪守教规的福音派新教牧师”[18]。他的成长环境基督教程度很高,但并非正统。“我的家教来自社会阶级低、不恪守教规的基督徒,他们认为你只要在人前遵守着基督教礼节行事,就能在部分程度上过上基督徒人生”[19]。麦凯伦12岁时,母亲死于乳癌 ,24岁时父亲去世。他曾向身为贵格会成员的继母Gladys McKellen坦承他的同性恋倾向,日后他称:“她不仅没有为此惊慌,作为一个早在多年前就宣称不在乎大众性倾向的社群之成员,我想她单纯是为我高兴而已,因为我不再说谎话了。”[20]。麦凯伦的另一个曾曾祖父Robert J. Lowes是活动家兼社运人士,在曼彻斯特成功争取到周六半天假(现代周休二日的前身),因此得到“现代周休之祖”的称号[21]

麦凯伦就读于Bolton School英语Bolton School的男校部门[22],他至今仍持续支持着母校,定期会到学校与学生谈话。麦凯伦的演艺生涯开始于Bolton Little Theatre英语Bolton Little Theatre,现在他是这家剧院的投资人[23]。早期他着迷戏剧的原因在于父母的鼓励,3岁时父母带他去曼彻斯特的Opera House英语Manchester Opera House观赏《Peter Pan》,作为家庭出游[13]。9岁时,他收到的圣诞大礼是从Pollocks Toy Theatres英语Pollock's Toy Museum买来的可折叠维多利亚式剧院模型,以木头和胶木英语Bakelite制成,附有硬纸板做的布景和钢丝操作的仙杜瑞拉汉和劳伦斯·奥利维尔扮演的哈姆雷特的剪纸人物[13]

麦凯伦第一次看莎剧是由姐姐Jean带着他去,剧目是由Wigan's Little Theatre的业余人士演出的《第十二夜[24],紧接着则是《马克白》和Wigan High School女校部门的《A Midsummer Night's Dream》,音乐由费利克斯·门德尔松·巴托尔迪负责,Bottom一角由Jean饰演。Jean之后持续演出、导演和制作业余戏剧,直到过世为止。[25]

1958年,18岁的麦凯伦获得剑桥大学圣凯瑟琳学院提供的奖学金,进入学院就读英国文学[26]。日后他也得到荣誉院士英语List of Honorary Fellows of St Catharine's College, Cambridge的头衔。就读剑桥大学的3年内,麦凯伦是Marlowe Society英语Marlowe Society的一员,曾出演过23出戏剧。尽管年纪轻轻,麦凯伦已在一些舞台剧中展现出表演实力,例如1959年3月与Trevor Nunn英语Trevor NunnDerek Jacobi同台演出的《Henry IV英语Henry IV, Part 2》,当中他饰演Justice Shallow;饰演着Posthumus与Margaret Drabble英语Margaret Drabble(饰演Imogen)对戏的《Cymbeline;以及《Doctor Faustus[27][28][29]。在此时期,麦凯伦已得到Peter Hall英语Peter Hall (director), John Barton英语John Barton (director)Dadie Rylands英语Dadie Rylands等人的指导,对他未来的演艺生涯有重大的影响。




1981年舞台剧《Amadeus英语Amadeus (play)》当中,麦凯伦(饰演Antonio Salieri)与Jane Seymour (Constanze Mozart)共戏的画面

1961年,麦凯伦的首次职业演出在Belgrade Theatre英语Belgrade Theatre上演,戏码为《A Man for All Seasons英语A Man for All Seasons》,麦凯伦饰演当中的角色Roper。虽然此前麦凯伦曾参与录制Marlowe Society的《Cymbeline》广播剧,并且进行商业贩售,不过仍视《A Man for All Seasons》为麦凯伦的出道作。[27][29]

为小地方的轮演剧团工作四年后,麦凯伦迎来他在西区剧院的首次亮相,戏码为《A Scent of Flowers》。这场演出被外界评为“醒目的成功”[27]。1965年,在旧维克剧场演出的劳伦斯·奥利维尔之国家戏剧公司让麦凯伦成为他们的一员,他因此得以在Chichester Festival英语Chichester Festival Theatre上演出。为Prospect Theatre Company英语Prospect Theatre Company效力期间,麦凯伦于1969年在Edinburgh festival演出《Richard II》 (导演为Richard Cottrell英语Richard Cottrell) 和Marlowe's 《Edward II》 (导演为Toby Robertson英语Toby Robertson) ,前者为他的事业带来突破,后者则因为描绘同性恋者爱德华耸人听闻的死亡而引发批评风波[30]


进入1970年代,麦凯伦已成为英国舞台剧圈的知名人物,经常在皇家莎士比亚剧团皇家国家剧院演出,扮演过好几位莎剧的主角。1973年至1974年,麦凯伦在英国和Brooklyn Academy of Music英语Brooklyn Academy of Music巡回演出,饰演William Congreve喜剧《The Way of the World英语The Way of the World》中的Lady Wishfort's Footman、Anton Chekov的三幕戏剧《The Wood Demon英语The Wood Demon (play)》中的Kruschov和William Shakespeare悲剧《King Lear》中的Edgar。隔年麦凯伦主演了Shakespeare的《King John》、George Colman英语George Colman the Elder的《The Clandestine Marriage英语The Clandestine Marriage》和George Bernard Shaw的《Too True to Be Good英语Too True to Be Good》。1976年至1977年,麦凯伦在Royal Shakespeare Theatre演出的莎剧《Romeo & Juliet》当中饰演罗密欧,隔年饰演《The Winter's Tale》的King Leontes英语Leontes

1976年,麦凯伦在莎剧《马克白》中饰演马克白,和朱迪·丹奇共担主演,并首次与导演Trevor Nunn英语Trevor Nunn合作。之后他也在Nunn导的另一出莎剧《奥赛罗》中饰演Iago英语Iago[27]。1978年至1979年间,麦凯伦进行一票两部英语Double feature的巡回演出,剧目为莎剧《Twelfth Night》和Anton Chekov的《Three Sisters英语Three Sisters (play)》,饰演的角色分别为Sir Toby Belch和Andrei。

1979年,麦凯伦在Peter Shaffer舞台剧《Amadeus英语Amadeus (play)》的Broadway转制版当中饰演Antonio Salieri,与Tom HulceJane Seymour同台,其表现赢得好评。《The New York Times》评论家Frank Rich英语Frank Rich撰文评论麦凯伦的演出:“在麦凯伦的精湛演出之下,萨列里陷入疯狂的过程被诠释成暗黑的调调,令人毛骨悚然。”[31]。麦凯伦因为《Amadeus》中的表现荣获Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play英语Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play


1986年,麦凯伦回到百老汇,重演Anton Chekhov的《Wild Honey》,共戏演员有Kim CattrallKate Burton英语Kate Burton (actress)。此次的演出收获褒贬不一的评价,《The New York Times》的Frank Rich英语Frank Rich在文章中称,麦凯伦“气势十足且活跃的卓越演技把一切都做足了,或许只除了最重要的一件事情——持久的笑声”,随后也写道“麦凯伦先生发现了自己身处怪异的窘境,那就是堂堂一个大明星用尽全力在扮演单薄的配角”[32]。1989年他在Royal Shakespeare Company的《奥赛罗》中饰演Iago英语Iago.

1990年至1992年,麦凯伦在全球巡回演出备受好评的《Richard III》,饰演主角理查三世。该剧在Brooklyn Academy of Music英语Brooklyn Academy of Music演出过两周,《New York Times》的Frank Rich评论道:“麦凯伦对戏剧和乐趣的熟练手感,驱使他展现他是如何拨动被牵着走的观众的心弦,不论他有没有对着观众独白。”[33]麦凯伦凭借著在这出戏中的演出得到Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor英语Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor

1992年,麦凯伦参演由Pam Gems英语Pam GemsRoyal National Theatre重新演绎的的Chekov之《Uncle Vanya英语Uncle Vanya》,其他主演有Antony Sher英语Antony Sher, and Janet McTeer。1993年至1997年,麦凯伦巡回演出一出独角戏,内容是关于男同性恋者出柜。 The Los Angeles Times的Laurie Winer在评论中表示:“即使听他讲道的是观念已经改变的人,麦克兰仍让咱们察觉到,在这舒适的剧院外,不容忍的力量是广泛且强大的。麦凯伦有天赋而且技艺精湛,他是一名天生的说故事家,一个值得钦佩的人,也是一位身体力行的社运人士”[34]。1997年至1998年,麦凯伦主演了Henrik Ibsen剧作 An Enemy of the People的重演版,饰演Dr. Tomas Stockmann。同年晚些时候,麦凯伦出演在West Yorkshire Playhouse英语West Yorkshire Playhouse上演的Noël Coward 喜剧 Present Laughter英语Present Laughter,饰演Garry Essendine。

2001年,麦凯伦重返百老汇舞台,出演在Broadhurst Theatre英语Broadhurst Theatre上演的August Strindberg 剧作 《The Dance of Death英语The Dance of Death (Strindberg play) 》,其他主演有 Helen Mirren, and David Strathairn。 《The New York Times》剧评家Ben Brantley英语Ben Brantley盛赞麦凯伦的演出。写道:“[McKellen] returns to Broadway to serve up an Elysian concoction we get to sample too little these days: a mixture of heroic stage presence, actorly intelligence, and rarefied theatrical technique".[35] McKellen toured with the production at the Lyric Theatre in London's West End and to the Sydney Art's Festival in Australia.

2007-2021: Return to the theatre

McKellen with Billy Crudup and Patrick Stewart at Sardi's英语Sardi's promoting Waiting for Godot and No Man's Land英语No Man's Land (play) (2013)

In 2007 he returned to the Royal Shakespeare Company, in productions of King Lear and The Seagull英语The Seagull, both directed by Trevor Nunn英语Trevor Nunn. In 2009 he appeared in a very popular revival of Waiting for Godot at London's Haymarket Theatre, directed by Sean Mathias英语Sean Mathias, and playing opposite Patrick Stewart.[36][37] From 2013 to 2014 McKellen and Stewart starred in a double production of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Harold Pinter's No Man's Land on Broadway at the Cort Theatre英语Cort Theatre. Variety theatre critic Marilyn Stasio praised the dual production writing, "McKellen and Stewart find plenty of consoling comedy in two masterpieces of existential despair."[38] In both production of Stasio claims, "the two thespians play the parts they were meant to play."

He is Patron of English Touring Theatre英语English Touring Theatre and also President and Patron of the Little Theatre Guild of Great Britain英语Little Theatre Guild of Great Britain, an association of amateur theatre organisations throughout the UK.[39] In late August 2012, he took part in the opening ceremony英语2012 Summer Paralympics opening ceremony of the London Paralympics, portraying Prospero英语Prospero from The Tempest.[40]

In October 2017, McKellen played King Lear at Chichester Festival Theatre英语Chichester Festival Theatre, a role which he said was likely to be his "last big Shakespearean part".[41] He performed the play at the Duke of York's Theatre in London's West End during the summer of 2018.[42][43] To celebrate his 80th birthday, in 2019 McKellen performed in a one man stage show titled Ian McKellen on Stage: With Tolkien, Shakespeare, Others and YOU英语Ian McKellen on Stage: With Tolkien, Shakespeare, Others and YOU celebrating the various performances throughout his career. The show toured across the UK and Ireland (raising money for each venue and organisation's charity) before a West End run at the Harold Pinter Theatre and was performed for one night only on Broadway at the Hudson Theatre英语Hudson Theatre.[44]

In 2021 he will play the title role in an age-blind production of Hamlet (having previously played the part in a UK and European tour in 1971), followed by playing Firs The Cherry Orchard at the Theatre Royal, Windsor英语Theatre Royal, Windsor. He will also play the role of Firs in Chekov's The Cherry Orchard also at the Theatre Royal.[45][46]



1969年,麦凯伦出演了三部电影:Michael Hayes英语Michael Hayes (director)的《The Promise英语The Promise (1969 film)》、Clive Donner英语Clive Donner的史诗片Alfred the Great英语Alfred the Great (film)Waris Hussein英语Waris HusseinA Touch of Love英语A Touch of Love (1969 film)。1981年,麦凯伦在Christopher Miles英语Christopher Miles导演的传记片《Priest of Love英语Priest of Love》中饰演作家兼诗人D. H. Lawrence,1983年在Michael Mann的恐怖片《The Keep英语The Keep (film)》中出场。

1985年麦凯伦参与剧情片《Plenty英语Plenty (film)》的演出,该片改编自David Hare英语David Hare (playwright)同名舞台剧英语Plenty (play),由Fred Schepisi英语Fred Schepisi导演,同片演员包含Meryl Streep, Charles Dance, John Geilgud, and Sting等人。《芝加哥太阳报》的Roger Ebert在影评中称赞了麦凯伦一众卡司:“这部电影呈现了一出又一出精采的独角戏;绝大多数的重要时刻都发生在角色们对自己的场景掌握主导权的时候。”[47]1989年麦凯伦出演了金棕榈奖获奖电影《Scandal英语Scandal (1989 film)》,该片根据史实Profumo affair改编,主演为Joanne Whalley, and John Hurt,麦凯伦饰演的角色是John Profumo


1993年麦凯伦参演电影《Six Degrees of Separation英语Six Degrees of Separation (film)》,该片改编自曾入围Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award同名舞台剧英语Six Degrees of Separation (play),同片演员有Will Smith, Donald Sutherland and Stockard Channing。电影在影评人之间获得良好评价。同年他也在西部片《The Ballad of Little Jo英语The Ballad of Little Jo》中和Bob Hoskins对戏,并参与了Arnold Schwarzenegger主演的动作喜剧片《Last Action Hero英语Last Action Hero》。隔年他参演Alec Baldwin主演的超级英雄电影《The Shadow英语The Shadow (1994 film)》,以及James L. Brooks 导演的喜剧片《I'll Do Anything英语I'll Do Anything》,主演是Nick Nolte

麦凯伦在《Richard III英语Richard III (1995 film)》首度操刀剧本,该片改编自同名莎剧,导演为Richard Loncraine英语Richard Loncraine.[48][49]。电影将剧情原封不动搬移到1930年的英国,McKellen饰演登基为王理查三世,身处宫廷斗争的漩涡中心。其他演员包含Annette Bening, Robert Downey Jr., Jim Broadbent, Kristen Scott Thomas, Nigel Hawthorne and Dame Maggie Smith等人。麦凯伦身兼执行制片人之一,为了完成电影尾声的战斗桥段,他将5万英镑的片酬退还给剧组[50]。In his review of the film, 《The Washington Post》的影评人Hal Hinson形容麦凯伦的演出是“致命的,如同耀眼光芒的具现化身一般”,并称麦凯伦“华丽的控场能力……支配了一切”[51]。《Chicago Sun-Times》影评人Roger Ebert称赞了麦凯伦执笔的改编剧本和演出:“麦凯伦对剧作家深感同情……他带给莎翁笔下最受尽苦难的反派一股恶意,使我们心生动摇,为他们感到遗憾。没有人活该那么坏又有自知之明。希特勒和其他些人坏多了,可是他们自己不这么想。理查,他根本无处可逃。他是这出剧里第一批有自我觉察的角色,而为此他肯定得付出代价。”[52]。麦凯伦饰演理查三世的表现让他入围BAFTA奖最佳男主角金球奖最佳戏剧类电影男主角 ,并赢得欧洲电影奖最佳男主角殊荣。他所撰写的剧本获得BAFTA奖最佳改编剧本英语BAFTA Award for Best Adapted Screenplay提名。同样在1995年,麦凯伦在历史剧情片《Restoration英语Restoration (1995 film)》和浪漫喜剧片《Jack and Sarah英语Jack and Sarah》中出场,前者的主演是《理查三世》的卡司之一小罗伯特·唐尼,后者的阵容则有Richard E. Grant, Samantha Mathis, and Dame Judi Dench

1998年,麦凯伦在Bryan Singer导演的《Apt Pupil》当中担纲主演,该片改编自Stephen King执笔的同名短篇小说[53]。麦凯伦饰演的角色是一名以化名在美国生活的逃亡纳粹军官,因为秘密被好奇心十足的少年(Brad Renfro)发现,少年威胁他如果不把他的故事一五一十说出来,就要告发他。同一年麦凯伦也主演了Bill Condon导演的时代剧《Gods and Monsters》,饰演电影《Frankenstein》的导演James Whale,并因此入围奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,最终输给《Life is Beautiful》的Roberto Benigni[26]


2003年12月1日,麦凯伦出席在New ZealandWellington举办的《The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King》全球首映礼

1999年,麦凯伦再度与导演Bryan Singer合作,在2000年上映的漫威漫画改编超级英雄电影《X-Men》中饰演超级反派Magneto。他之后也继续在两部续集《X2: X-Men United》(2003)和《X-Men: The Last Stand》 (2006)中扮演同个角色[26]

在拍摄第一部《X战警》的同时,麦凯伦也被选为史诗小说《指环王》三部曲电影版的演员之一,饰演巫师Gandalf电影三部曲皆由Peter Jackson导演,分别为The Fellowship of the Ring(2001), The Two Towers(2002), and The Return of the King(2003)。在《The Fellowship of the Ring》中的演出使麦凯伦获得Screen Actors Guild英语Screen Actors Guild的最佳配角奖肯定,并得以角逐奥斯卡最佳男配角,不过最终胜出的是《Iris英语Iris (2001 film)》的吉姆·布劳德本特。麦凯伦也在几款改编自《指环王》电影的游戏里头帮甘道夫配音[54]

2007年,麦凯伦担任浪漫奇幻片《Stardust》的旁白,主演有Charlie Cox and Claire Danes,上映后叫好又叫座。同年麦凯伦也帮《The Golden Compass》中的the armored bear Iorek Byrnison配音,该片改编自Philip Pullman 小说《 Northern Lights》,由Chris Weitz导演,主演为Nicole KidmanDaniel Craig。电影上映后口碑褒贬不一,不过票房开出红盘。


麦凯伦在《指环王》前传《霍比特人》的电影版三部曲中回归饰演甘道夫。电影三部曲依旧由彼得·杰克逊导演,分别是《The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey》 (2012), 《The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug》 (2013),和 《The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies》 (2014).[55]。《霍比特人》三部曲的评价不如《指环王》,不过票房依旧成功。麦凯伦也回归在《X战警》系列电影新作《The Wolverine》 (2013)和 《X-Men: Days of Future Past》 (2014)中饰演万磁王. 在《未来昔日》中,麦凯伦和在《X-Men: First Class》中饰演年轻版万磁王的Michael Fassbender一同演出[56]

2015年,麦凯伦继《众神与魔鬼》之后再次与导演Bill Condon合作,与Laura Linney一同主演电影《Mr. Holmes》,饰演垂垂老矣的Sherlock Holmes。电影情节改编自小说《A Slight Trick of the Mind英语A Slight Trick of the Mind》 (2005),讲述已经9岁的福尔摩斯因为头脑逐渐退化,因此努力想回忆起他办的最后一件案子的细节。该片在65th Berlin International Film Festival上首映,麦凯伦做为主演的表现广受好评。《Rolling Stone》的影评人Peter Travers在影评中称赞麦凯伦对福尔摩斯的诠释无疑是令人赞叹的,而Bill Condon带来的这番人物钻研也相当引人入胜[57]

2015年4月10日,据报道,麦凯伦将在迪士尼动画片美女与野兽真人电影版中饰演葛士华[58]。此次也是他和坎登的第三次合作,电影于2017年上映并取得成功。2018年10月30日宣布麦凯伦将主演Kenneth Branagh导演的历史剧情片《All is True英语All is True (film)》,饰演 Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton英语Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton,与Branagh and Judi Dench对戏[59][60]。2019年麦凯伦第四度和坎登合作,与Helen Mirren携手主演悬疑惊悚片《The Good Liar》,两人在银幕上擦出的火花得到影评青睐[61]。2018年That same year he appeared as Gus the Theatre Cat英语Gus: The Theatre Cat in the ill fated movie musical adaptation of Cats directed by Tom Hooper. The film featured performances from Jennifer Hudson, James Corden, Rebel Wilson, Idris Elba, and Judi Dench. The film was widely mocked for its poor visual effects, editing, performance and was a box office disaster.[62]



1966年,麦凯伦出演改编自小说《David Copperfield'》的同名BBC剧集英语David Copperfield (1966 TV serial),饰演主角David Copperfield。首播时的观看人数达到1200万[63],不过如今13集当中有9集已经佚失[64]。自1969年演出电影《A Touch of Love英语A Touch of Love (1969 film)》后,麦凯伦开始接电影片约,1980年得到他的首份主演工作,在传记片《Priest of Love英语Priest of Love》中饰演D. H. Lawrence[65]。不过一直到1990年代,麦凯伦才开始因为演出几部好莱坞大片得到更广大的认可[26]


1993年,麦凯伦在友人Armistead Maupin小说改编的miniseriesTales of the City英语Tales of the City (1993 miniseries)》中饰演几个小角色。同年晚些,麦凯伦参演的HBO电视电影《And the Band Played On》播出,该片根据同名小说英语And the Band Played On改编,讲述人类对艾滋病毒的发现。麦凯伦在电影中饰演男同性恋权利运动家Bill Kraus英语Bill Kraus,优秀演出使他荣获CableACE奖英语CableACE Award最佳电影或迷你剧男配角,并入围Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor – Miniseries or a Movie[66]

1995年,麦凯伦主演BBC的喜剧电视电影《'Cold Comfort Farm英语Cold Comfort Farm (film)》,与Kate Beckinsale, Rufus Sewell, and Stephen Fry同台。The following year he starred as Tsar Nicholas II in the HBO made for television movie Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny英语Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny (1996) starring Alan Rickman as Rasputin. For his performance McKellen earned a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie nomination and received a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – Series, Miniseries or Television Film英语Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – Series, Miniseries or Television Film win.

McKellen appeared as Mr Creakle in the BBC series David Copperfield英语David Copperfield (1999 film) based on the Charles Dickens classic novel. The miniseries starred a pre-Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe, Bob Hoskins, Jude Law and Dame Maggie Smith.

2003-2017: Dramas, Guest roles and Sitcom

On 16 March 2002, he hosted Saturday Night Live. In 2003, McKellen made a guest appearance as himself on the American cartoon show The Simpsons in a special British-themed episode entitled "The Regina Monologues英语The Regina Monologues", along with the then UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and author J. K. Rowling. In April and May 2005, he played the role of Mel Hutchwright in Granada Television's long running British soap opera, Coronation Street, fulfilling a lifelong ambition. He narrated Richard Bell英语Richard Bell (director)'s film Eighteen as a grandfather who leaves his World War II memoirs on audio-cassette for his teenage grandson.

McKellen at the 2007 BAFTA Awards

McKellen has appeared in limited release films, such as Emile英语Emile (film) (which was shot in three weeks following the X2 shoot),[67] Neverwas英语Neverwas and Asylum英语Asylum (2005 film). He appeared as Sir Leigh Teabing in The Da Vinci Code. During a 17 May 2006 interview on The Today Show with the Da Vinci Code cast and director Ron Howard, Matt Lauer英语Matt Lauer posed a question to the group about how they would have felt if the film had borne a prominent disclaimer that it is a work of fiction, as some religious groups wanted.[68] McKellen responded, "I've often thought the Bible should have a disclaimer in the front saying 'This is fiction.' I mean, walking on water? It takes... an act of faith. And I have faith in this movie—not that it's true, not that it's factual, but that it's a jolly good story." He continued, "And I think audiences are clever enough and bright enough to separate out fact and fiction, and discuss the thing when they've seen it".[68] McKellen appeared in the 2006 BBC series of Ricky Gervais' comedy series Extras英语Extras (TV series), where he played himself directing Gervais' character Andy Millman英语Andy Millman in a play about gay lovers. McKellen received a 2007 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor – Comedy Series英语Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor – Comedy Series nomination for his performance. In 2009 he portrayed Number Two in The Prisoner英语The Prisoner (2009 miniseries), a remake of the 1967 cult series The Prisoner.[69] In November 2013, McKellen appeared in the Doctor Who 50th anniversary comedy homage The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot英语The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot.[70]

From 2013 to 2016 McKellen co-starred in the ITV sitcom Vicious as Freddie Thornhill, alongside Derek Jacobi. The series revolves around an elderly gay couple who have been together for 50 years.[71][72] The show’s original title was “Vicious Old Queens.” There are ongoing jokes about McKellen’s career as a relatively unsuccessful character actor who owns a tux because he stole it after doing a guest spot on “Downton Abbey” and that he holds the title of “10th Most Popular ‘Doctor Who’ Villain.” Liz Shannon Miller of IndieWire noted while the concept seemed, "weird as hell", that "Once you come to accept McKellen and Jacobi in a multi-camera format, there is a lot to respect about their performances; specifically, the way that those decades of classical training adapt themselves to the sitcom world. Much has been written before about how the tradition of the multi-cam, filmed in front of a studio audience, relates to theater, and McKellen and Jacobi know how to play to a live crowd."[73]

In October 2015, McKellen appeared as Norman to Anthony Hopkins' Sir in a BBC Two production of Ronald Harwood's The Dresser英语The Dresser (2015 film), alongside Edward Fox, Vanessa Kirby, and Emily Watson.[74] Television critic Tim Goodman of The Hollywood Reporter praised the film and the central performances writing, "there’s no escaping that Hopkins and McKellen are the central figures here, giving wonderfully nuanced performances, onscreen together for their first time in their acclaimed careers."[75] For his performance McKellen received a British Academy Television Award nomination for his performance.

In 2017, McKellen appeared in the documentary McKellen: Playing the Part, directed by director Joe Stephenson. The documentary explores McKellen's life and career as an actor.


1964年,麦凯伦结交了第一个同性伴侣Brian Taylor,他是来自Bolton的历史教师[76]。两人的交往关系持续8年,于1972年结束。两人居住在伦敦,麦凯伦之后也继续在该地从事演员工作。十多年来,麦凯伦都住在LimehouseNarrow Street英语Narrow Street上一间改建成维多利亚式的五层楼房屋[77]。1978年,麦凯伦在Edinburgh Festival英语Edinburgh Festival上首遇他的第二任同性伴侣Sean Mathias英语Sean Mathias。两人于1988年分手,据Mathias所说,这段关系其实颇不平稳,原因在于麦凯伦事业得意而他欠缺成功形成的矛盾。两人保持朋友关系,多年后的2009年时,Mathias指导麦凯伦在Theatre Royal Haymarket演出《Waiting for Godot》。麦凯伦和Mathias也和Evgeny Lebedev英语Evgeny Lebedev结成商业伙伴,买下Narrow Street上一间英式酒吧The Grapes英语The Grapes, Limehouse[78]

麦凯伦是无神论者[79]。1980年代末,麦凯伦对除了鱼以外的所有肉类失去食欲,从此以鱼素主义饮食为主[80]。2001年,麦凯伦获得法国World Award的Artist Citizen奖肯定[81]

麦凯伦的肩上有刺青,图样是精灵语里的数字“9”,象征他对《指环王》电影的参与,以及身为指环王远征队九名初始成员之一的演员。图样取自《指环王》原著作者J. R. R. Tolkien所写的Tengwar文字的造字脚本英语constructed script。其他远征队成员的演员(Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Orlando Bloom, Billy Boyd, Sean Bean, Dominic Monaghan and Viggo Mortensen)也有同款的刺青。John Rhys-Davies也是初始远征队成员的演员,不过他安排替身演员代替他刺上[82]


2013年初,麦凯伦成为Universal Life Church英语Universal Life Church的受命教长[85],以主持好友兼《X战警》共同主演帕特里克·斯图尔特与歌手Sunny Ozell英语Sunny Ozell的婚礼 [86]

2014年6月18日,Cambridge University授予麦凯伦荣誉文学博士学位[87]。2014年10月30日,麦凯伦获颁伦敦市自由人头衔,颁奖典礼在伦敦市政厅举行。提名麦凯伦的人是伦敦市长Fiona Woolf英语Fiona Woolf,选择麦凯伦的原因在于他是个“无与伦比的演员”和“孜孜不倦地平等运动人士”[88]。麦凯伦也是母校St Catherine's College, Oxford荣誉院士英语List of Honorary Fellows of St Catharine's College, Cambridge的一员[89]



McKellen at Manchester Pride英语Manchester Pride 2010

While McKellen had made his sexual orientation known to fellow actors early on in his stage career, it was not until 1988 that he came out to the general public, in a programme on BBC Radio.[90] The context that prompted McKellen's decision—overriding any concerns about a possible negative effect on his career—was that the controversial Section 28 of the Local Government Bill, known simply as Section 28英语Section 28, was then under consideration in the British Parliament.[26] Section 28 proposed prohibiting local authorities from promoting homosexuality "... as a kind of pretended family relationship".[91] McKellen became active in fighting the proposed law, and, during a BBC Radio 3英语BBC Radio 3 programme where he debated Section 28 with the conservative journalist Peregrine Worsthorne英语Peregrine Worsthorne, came out as gay.[26][92] McKellen has stated that he was influenced in his decision by the advice and support of his friends, among them noted gay author Armistead Maupin.[26] In a 1998 interview that discusses the 29th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, McKellen commented,

I have many regrets about not having come out earlier, but one of them might be that I didn't engage myself in the politicking.[93]

He has said of this period:

My own participating in that campaign was a focus for people [to] take comfort that if Ian McKellen was on board for this, perhaps it would be all right for other people to be as well, gay and straight.[19]

Section 28 was, however, enacted and remained on the statute books until 2000 in Scotland and 2003 in England and Wales. Section 28 never applied in Northern Ireland.

In 2003, during an appearance on Have I Got News For You, McKellen claimed when he visited Michael Howard, then Environment Secretary英语Secretary of State for the Environment (responsible for local government), in 1988 to lobby against Section 28, Howard refused to change his position but did ask him to leave an autograph for his children. McKellen agreed, but wrote, "Fuck off, I'm gay."[94] McKellen described Howard's junior ministers, Conservatives David Wilshire英语David Wilshire and Dame Jill Knight英语Jill Knight, Baroness Knight of Collingtree, who were the architects of Section 28, as the 'ugly sisters' of a political pantomime.[95]

McKellen at Europride 2003 in Manchester

McKellen has continued to be very active in LGBT rights efforts. In a statement on his website regarding his activism, the actor commented that:

I have been reluctant to lobby on other issues I most care about—nuclear weapons (against), religion (atheist), capital punishment (anti), AIDS (fund-raiser) because I never want to be forever spouting, diluting the impact of addressing my most urgent concern; legal and social equality for gay people worldwide.[96]

McKellen is a co-founder of Stonewall英语Stonewall (UK), an LGBT rights lobby group in the United Kingdom, named after the Stonewall riots.[97] McKellen is also patron of LGBT History Month英语LGBT History Month,[98] Pride London英语Pride London, Oxford Pride, GAY-GLOS, LGBT Foundation英语LGBT Foundation (UK),[99] and FFLAG英语FFLAG where he appears in their video "Parents Talking".[100]

In 1994, at the closing ceremony of the Gay Games, he briefly took the stage to address the crowd, saying, "I'm Sir Ian McKellen, but you can call me Serena": This nickname, given to him by Stephen Fry, had been circulating within the gay community since McKellen's knighthood was conferred.[19] In 2002, he was the Celebrity Grand Marshal of the San Francisco Pride Parade[101] and he attended the Academy Awards with his then-boyfriend, New Zealander Nick Cuthell. In 2006, McKellen spoke at the pre-launch of the 2007 LGBT History Month in the UK, lending his support to the organisation and its founder, Sue Sanders英语Sue Sanders.[98] In 2007, he became a patron of The Albert Kennedy Trust英语The Albert Kennedy Trust, an organisation that provides support to young, homeless and troubled LGBT people.[97]

In 2006, he became a patron of Oxford Pride, stating:

I send my love to all members of Oxford Pride, their sponsors and supporters, of which I am proud to be one... Onlookers can be impressed by our confidence and determination to be ourselves and gay people, of whatever age, can be comforted by the occasion to take the first steps towards coming out and leaving the closet forever behind.[102]

McKellen has taken his activism internationally, and caused a major stir in Singapore, where he was invited to do an interview on a morning show and shocked the interviewer by asking if they could recommend him a gay bar; the programme immediately ended.[103] In December 2008, he was named in Out's annual Out 100 list.[104]

In 2010, McKellen extended his support for Liverpool's Homotopia festival英语Homotopia Liverpool (festival) in which a group of gay and lesbian Merseyside teenagers helped to produce an anti-homophobia campaign pack for schools and youth centres across the city.[105] In May 2011, he called Sergey Sobyanin, Moscow's mayor, a "coward" for refusing to allow gay parades in the city.[106]

In 2014, he was named in the top 10 on the World Pride Power list.[107]

Charity work

In April 2010, along with actors Brian Cox and Eleanor Bron英语Eleanor Bron, McKellen appeared in a series of TV advertisements to support Age UK英语Age UK, the charity recently formed from the merger of Age Concern英语Age Concern and Help the Aged英语Help the Aged. All three actors gave their time free of charge.[108]

A cricket fan since childhood, McKellen umpired in March 2011 for a charity cricket match in New Zealand to support earthquake victims of the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake.[109][110]

McKellen is an honorary board member for the New York- and Washington, D.C.-based organization Only Make Believe.[111] Only Make Believe creates and performs interactive plays in children's hospitals and care facilities. He was honoured by the organisation in 2012[112] and hosted their annual Make Believe on Broadway Gala in November 2013.[113] He garnered publicity for the organisation by stripping down to his Lord of the Rings underwear on stage.

McKellen also has a history of supporting individual theatres. While in New Zealand filming The Hobbit in 2012, he announced a special New Zealand tour "Shakespeare, Tolkien, and You!", with proceeds going to help save the Isaac Theatre Royal英语Isaac Theatre Royal, which suffered extensive damage during the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. McKellen said he opted to help save the building as it was the last theatre he played in New Zealand (Waiting for Godot in 2010) and the locals' love for it made it a place worth supporting.[114] In July 2017, he performed a new one-man show for a week at Park Theatre (London)英语Park Theatre (London), donating the proceeds to the theatre.[115]

Together with a number of his Lord of the Rings co-stars (plus writer Philippa Boyens and director Peter Jackson), on 1 June 2020 McKellen joined Josh Gad's YouTube series Reunited Apart which reunites the cast of popular movies through video-conferencing, and promotes donations to non-profit charities.[116]

Other work

A friend of Ian Charleson英语Ian Charleson and an admirer of his work, McKellen contributed an entire chapter to For Ian Charleson: A Tribute.[117] A recording of McKellen's voice is heard before performances at the Royal Festival Hall, reminding patrons to ensure their mobile phones and watch alarms are switched off and to keep coughing to a minimum.[118][119] He also took part in the 2012 Summer Paralympics opening ceremony英语2012 Summer Paralympics opening ceremony in London as Prospero英语Prospero from Shakespeare's The Tempest.[40]

Acting credits

Accolades and honours

The hands of McKellen on a 1999 Gods and Monsters plaque in London's Leicester Square

McKellen has received two Academy Award nominations for his performances in Gods and Monsters (1999), and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001). He has also received 5 Primetime Emmy Award nominations. McKellen has received two Tony Award nominations winning for Best Actor in a Play英语Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play for his performance in Amadeus英语Amadeus (play) in 1981. He has also received 12 Laurence Olivier Awards nominations winning 6 awards for his performances in Pillars of the Community英语The Pillars of Society (1977), The Alchemist英语The Alchemist (play) (1978), Bent英语Bent (play) (1979), Wild Honey英语Wild Honey (play) (1984), Richard III (1991), and Ian McKellen on Stage: With Tolkien, Shakespeare, Others and YOU英语Ian McKellen on Stage: With Tolkien, Shakespeare, Others and YOU (2020).

He has also received various honorary awards including Pride International Film Festival英语Pride International Film Festival's Lifetime Achievement & Distinction Award in 2004, Olivier Awards's Society's Special Award英语Society of London Theatre Special Award in 2006. He also received Evening Standard Awards英语Evening Standard Awards The Lebedev Special Award英语Evening Standard Awards in 2009. The following year he received an Empire Award's Empire Icon Award英语Empire Icon Award[120] In 2017 he received the Honorary Award from the Istanbul International Film Festival英语Istanbul International Film Festival.

See also


  1. ^ Monitor. Entertainment Weekly (1208) (Time Inc.). 2012-05-25: 21. 
  2. ^ Jackson, George. Nesbitt does the honours as fellow actor McKellen gets Ulster degree. Irish Independent (Independent News & Media英语Independent News & Media). 2013-02-04 [2013-02-04]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-24). McKellen is recognised as one of the greatest living actors. 
  3. ^ Sir Ian McKellen receives award from University of Ulster. BBC News (BBC). 2013-02-03 [2013-02-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-06). [O]ne of the greatest actors on stage and screen [...] Sir Ian's performances have guaranteed him a place in the canon of English stage and film actors 
  4. ^ British Actor Ian Mckellen in China for Shakespeare on Film. British Council. 2016-11-13 [2016-11-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-14). 
  5. ^ Thirty of the very best of British. The Telegraph. 2016-11-13 [2018-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-09). 
  6. ^ 第47888號憲報. 伦敦宪报 (Supplement). 1979-06-26. 
  7. ^ 第52382號憲報. 伦敦宪报 (Supplement). 1990-12-28. 
  8. ^ Sir Ian McKellen. Cinema.com. [2011-07-18]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-01). 
  9. ^ 第58557號憲報. 伦敦宪报 (Supplement). 2007-12-29. 
  10. ^ Ian McKellen receives Freedom of the City award for gay rights activism. The Independent. 2014-10-31 [2018-08-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-27). 
  11. ^ Barratt 2006,第1页.
  12. ^ Stern/CompuWeb, Keith. Sir Ian McKellen Personal Bio – Prior to launch of his website. www.mckellen.com. [2018-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-09). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Ian McKellen From the Beginning. Ian McKellen Official Website. [2014-01-05]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-09). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Pierless Youth. The Sunday Times Magazine. 1977-01-02 [2014-01-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-27). 
  15. ^ Steele, Bruce C. The Knight's Crusade. The Advocate (853) (Liberation Publications Inc.). 2001-12-25 [2020-08-31]. 
  16. ^ Sir Ian McKellen featured article. TheGenealogist. [2017-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-02). 
  17. ^ Ian McKellen: an unofficial biography, Mark Barratt, Virgin Books, 2005, p. 2
  18. ^ Ian McKellen traces roots to Ballymena. UTV. [2013-02-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-04). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Steele, Bruce C. The Knight's Crusade. The Advocate. 2001-12-11: 36–38, 40–45 [2009-02-16]. (原始内容存档于2008-09-14). 
  20. ^ Adams, Stephen. McKellen about his stepmother. The Daily Telegraph (London). 2009-11-30 [2014-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-01). 
  21. ^ Furness, Hannah. Sir Ian McKellen's great-great-grandfather helped invent the weekend. The Daily Telegraph. 2017-01-15 [2017-11-22]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-24). 
  22. ^ Famous Old Boltonians. Bolton School. [2009-06-14]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-19). 
  23. ^ Bolton Little Theatre. Bolton Little Theatre. [2009-06-14]. (原始内容存档于2009-03-03). 
  24. ^ Curtis, Nick. Panto's grandest Dame. Evening Standard (London). 2005-12-09 [2010-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-13). 
  25. ^ J. W. Braun, The Lord of the Films (ECW Press, 2009)
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