运动控制 (生物体)

运动控制(Motor control)是指具有神经系统生物对其身体动作的控制。运动控制包括了反射[1]以及趋性

为了要控制身体动作,神经系统需要来自整合多重感官的资讯(包括对外部世界的感觉以及本体感觉),产生必要的信号,使骨骼肌依信号动作。这个路径上包括了许多不同的学科,例如多感官整合英语multisensory integration信号处理运动协调生物力学认知[2][3],有关在相关计算上的挑战会放在“感觉运动控制”(sensorimotor control)以下进行讨论[4]。成功的运动控制对于和外界互动,以达到生物想要目的非常有关,也和生物的姿势、平衡及动作稳定性有关。

有些研究者(大部份是研究生物运动的神经学家,例如Daniel Wolpert英语Daniel WolpertRandy Flanagan英语Randy Flanagan)认为大脑的存在就是完全是为了运动控制[5]



  1. ^ Sibson, Francis. On The Causes Which Excite And Influence Respiration In Health And Disease.. The Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. 1850,. 5 - New Series: 181–350. In all these instances the act of inspiration is excited through the reflex function of the nervous system -- the sudden impression made on the skin stimulates the extremities of the incident nerves; the stimulus is conveyed by the incident nerves to the spinal nervous centre, and is thence transmitted back over the motor nerves of inspiration. That these respiratory movements are purely excito-motor, and performed without the intervention of sensation, in many of those instances in which the excited movements are most energetic, is proved by the case with which remarkable movements of respiration were occasioned by stimulating the surface in cases of syncope, hysteria, and epilepsy, cases in which sensation was altogether absent, and was only restored after repeatedly stimulating the surface, and so inducing deep reflex inspirations again and again by exciting the incident nerves. [Page 206] 
  2. ^ Rosenbaum, David A. Human motor control. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 1991: 411. ISBN 978-0-12-597300-7. 
  3. ^ Wise, Stephen P.; Shadmehr, Reza. Motor Control. Encyclopedia of the Human Brain. Academic Press. July 10, 2002: 137–157. ISBN 978-0122272103. 
  4. ^ Franklin, David W.; Wolpert, Daniel M. Computational Mechanisms of Sensorimotor Control. Neuron. November 2011, 72 (3): 425–442. PMID 22078503. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2011.10.006  (英语). 
  5. ^ Wolpert, Daniel, The real reason for brains, [2020-03-27], (原始内容存档于2022-07-12) (英语) 

36. J.A. Adams. A closed loop theory of motor learning. In: Journal of Motor Behavior 3 (1971) p 111-150

37. George E. Stelmach (Ed.) Motor Control, Issues and Trends. Academic press. New York 1976
