
英语书写中,连续逗号(又称牛津逗号哈佛逗号[1][2]是指在三个或更多的名词中,在倒数第二个名词之后添加逗号。例如有三个国家可能以这样的方式写下 "法国,意大利和西班牙"(France, Italy and Spain),此时没有连续逗号,而当写成 "法国,意大利,和西班牙"(France, Italy, and Spain)时,意大利后面那个逗号就是连续逗号[3][4][5]

人们对于是否要使用连续逗号有不同的看法,不同地区英语的用法也有所不同。英国英语对牛津逗号没有强制要求, [6]而在美国英语中,牛津逗号比较常见,有时甚至要强制使用牛津逗号。[7]牛津风格手册英语Hart's Rules就建议大家使用牛津逗号,而牛津逗号名称也是来自于此。 [8]


  1. ^ Garner, Bryan A. Garner's Modern English Usage. 牛津大学出版社. 2016: 748. ISBN 978-0-19-049148-2. 
  2. ^ Upadhyay, Abhishek. Serial comma - Oxford comma - Harvard comma. Writers' Mentor. [2022-02-04]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-16). 
  3. ^ The terms Oxford comma and Harvard comma come from 牛津大学出版社 and 哈佛大学出版社, where serial-comma use is the 格式指南.
  4. ^ The serial comma sometimes refers to any of the separator commas in a list, but this is a rare, old-fashioned usage. Herein, the term is used only as defined above.
  5. ^ Sometimes, the term also denotes the comma that might come before etc. at the end of a list (see the Australian Government Publishing Service's Style Manual for Authors, Editors, and Printers, below). Such an extension is reasonable, since etc. is the abbreviation of the Latin phrase et cetera (lit. and other things).
  6. ^ Truss, Lynn. Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. New York: Gotham Books英语Gotham Books. 2004: 84. ISBN 1-59240-087-6. 
  7. ^ Much Ado about Commas | UC Geography. geog.ucsb.edu. [2018-12-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-21). 
  8. ^ The Oxford Style Manual, 2002: "The presence or lack of a comma before and or or ... has become the subject of much spirited debate. For a century it has been part of OUP style ..., to the extent that the convention has come to be called the 'Oxford comma'. But it is commonly used by many other publishers here and abroad, and forms a routine part of style in US and Canadian English" (p. 121).