


自20世纪90年代末以来,因为人们认为犯罪嫌疑人可能有玩暴力电子游戏的历史,一些可能与游戏有关的暴力事件被大肆宣传。1999年的科倫拜校園事件造成了道德恐慌,使得学者们开始研究带有暴力元素的电子游戏是否会影响现实中的行为[3][页码请求]。一些研究发现游玩有暴力元素的电子游戏会增加或减少亲社会行为英语prosocial behavior,或者与其增减有相关性[4][5],其他研究则认为带有暴力元素的电子游戏根本就没有这样的功能[6]。2005年,美国娱乐软件协会主席在接受公共广播电视公司采访时否认带有暴力元素的电子游戏会导致反社会行为,他在采访中说:“坦率地说,这是不了解这个行业的人在过分夸大其词”[7][與來源不符]。此外,还有一些人认为电子游戏行业成了现实中各类社会问题的替罪羊[8][9][10],玩电子游戏本身对青少年有积极的影响[11][12]




在历史上,人们曾对漫畫雜誌抱有与电子游戏类似的道德恐慌。1950年代,美国进入漫畫黃金時代,随着产业的发展,一些艺术家和出版商开始出版、发行更频繁地描绘暴力和其他擦边内容的漫画。1954年,精神病学家弗雷德里克·魏特汉出版了《纯真的诱惑英语Seduction of the Innocent》一书,宣称漫画中的暴力情节会诱导青少年去模仿,从而引发犯罪行为。即便魏特汉的一些说法后来被发现并不严谨,这本书还是引起了道德恐慌,迫使漫画行业规范作品。同年,漫画行业组建了漫画准则管理局,严格规范内容,通过自我审查消除了大部分暴力和其他承认内容。其后,主流漫画业逐渐衰落,而成人漫画的地下市场则逐渐形成。直到接近20年后,漫画行业才从漫画监管局的规定中恢复过来,但不再那么严格地遵守漫画准则管理局的要求。进入千禧年后,人们普遍不再考虑漫画准则管理局的要求[15]。也因此,人们常把对漫画杂志的恐慌和对游戏的恐慌相提并论。而游戏开发商也会尽量避免自我审查,以免影响销量[16][17]



在《》火遍街机游戏界后,街机游戏制作商意识到了电子游戏的潜力,并试图将其推广开来;制作商们先在酒吧和酒廊推出新款的电子游戏,这让他们在内容上有了更大的创作空间——虽然仍遭到一些人批评[20]。在1976年前就已经有两款街机电子游戏因不道德的内容而受到公众关注:1973年雅达利制作的迷宫游戏《Gotcha英语Gotcha (video game)》出厂时,游戏机的两个操纵杆上覆有代表女性乳房的粉红圆球,不过后来版本的游戏机更换了操纵杆的样式。1975年雅达利未经授权改编自同名电影的《大白鲨英语Shark Jaws》包含了大量暴力内容,不过该款游戏中玩家扮演的是被大白鲨追杀的人类[20]。随着街机游戏进一步铺开,这些游戏最终引起了公众的担忧[20]

1976年的街机电子游戏《死亡飛車》往往被认为是第一个以暴力内容为卖点的游戏,这款游戏与《大白鲨》一样,也是一款未经授权改编自电影的游戏。这款游戏的游戏机器上就有着大量与死亡相关的符号,而在游戏中玩家被要求在时限内驾车碾过尽可能多的葛雷姆林[20]。这引起了美联社记者温迪·沃克的注意,她联系了游戏的制作商Exidy,并向他们表明了她的担忧[21]。沃克的担忧随后传到了其他媒体机构那里,比如美国全国安全委员会,该委员会后来指责这款游戏美化了碾压他人的行为,而当时美国全国安全委员会正试图对驾驶员们进行安全驾驶教育。虽说一些街机厅后来因为沃克的担忧退回了游戏机,但伴随着媒体曝光,该款机器的总体销量不减反增[22]。这款游戏之前的不少游戏也含有暴力元素,比如《警察和小偷英语Cops 'n' Robbers》、《坦克》和《喷气式战斗机英语Jet Fighter (video game)》,但这些游戏都没有像《死亡飞车》一样引起这么大的争议。雅達利诺兰·布什内尔这么解释:“我们雅达利有一条内部规定,不允许对人使用暴力。在游戏里你可以炸坦克,你可以炸飞碟,但你不能直接炸人。我们认为直接炸人不妥,在我任职期间,我们一直恪守这一规定。”[20]

美国军医总监查尔斯·埃弗雷特·库普英语C. Everett Koop是第一批公开认为电子游戏可能导致青少年暴力的人之一。1982年,库普以个人身份撰文表示“越来越多的人”开始认同电子游戏可能对青少年的身心健康有不良影响,尽管当时还未有充分的证据得到任何结论[23][24]



1992年发售的街机格斗游戏《真人快打》包含有大量血腥场面,游戏中还出现了“必杀技英语Fatality (Mortal Kombat)”的玩法,即终结敌人时使用的标志性、更为血腥的攻击方式。《真人快打》走红后,业界涌现了一批带有暴力元素的电子游戏,不过,这些游戏是街机独占式的游戏,因此一般会被与面向青少年的非暴力游戏区分开来[25][26]。然而,家用游戏机厂商们在《真人快打》走红后都想移植该款作品到自家主机上,特别是当时正处在游戏机大战英语console war中,争夺美国市场的世嘉任天堂两家[27]。世嘉移植版的《真人快打》保留了街机版的所有血腥场面(但需要使用作弊码才能激活),任天堂版则去掉了大部分血腥场面,红色的血液也被灰色的“汗液”代替。然而,世嘉版的销量最终远超任天堂版[26]

《真人快打》、《午夜陷阱》和《致命执法者英语Lethal Enforcers》三款游戏的爆火引来了美国参议员喬·李伯曼赫伯·科爾英语Herb Kohl二人的注意。1993-1994年间,二人主持了两场国会听证会,与业界、电子游戏公司代表和相关群体探讨电子游戏中的暴力问题[26]。世嘉及任天堂等电子游戏公司皆被批评缺乏完善的电子游戏分级制度,利伯曼威胁说如果电子游戏公司不自行整改,国会将采取行动规范行业[28]。在第二次听证会中,世嘉、任天堂和其他厂商就成立娛樂軟件分級委員會进行自愿评级达成了一致,该委员会最终于1994年落地[29][30]。这两场听证会还促使业界成立了负责管理娛樂軟件分級委員會的互动数字软件协会,后改称娱乐软件协会[30][31]





哥伦拜恩枪击案发生后,媒体开始重审之前发生的枪击案,发现1998年韦斯特赛德中学枪击案英语1998 Westside Middle School shooting的两名主谋也喜欢玩各种第一人称射击游戏,还曾一起玩《黃金眼007[34][35]



2001年,Rockstar GamesPlayStation 2平台上发售了《俠盜獵車手III》,该款游戏允许玩家控制主人公克劳德在一座现代都市中进行城市黑社会犯罪活动。该款游戏还是第一批開放世界游戏,允许玩家自由控制完成任务的方式,玩家可以在游戏中斗殴、打枪或是飙车。游戏发售后大卖,在6个月内售出200万份[36]。游戏的大火使得游戏中的暴力等元素被数个团体批评[37][38]。Rockstar在随后的三年里又发售了两款续作,《俠盜獵車手:罪惡城市》和《俠盜獵車手:聖安地列斯》,《圣安地列斯》自带了一个无法通过正常方式游玩的热咖啡模组,其中含有露骨的性爱内容。事件发生后不久,美国政府决定采取行动。2005年,加利福尼亚州政府宣布禁止向未成年人出售带有暴力内容的电子游戏[39]

之后的几年里,一批青少年犯罪及谋杀案被发现与侠盗猎车手系列游戏有关。杰克·汤普森代表受害者将Rockstar、Take-Two Interactive索尼告上法庭,声称侠盗猎车手系列游戏中的暴力内容直接导致了罪案频发,要求三家公司进行赔偿。然而,这些诉讼最终要么被自愿撤诉,要么在判决前就已被驳回。汤普森本人也同意不再对Take-Two Interactive采取法律行动,不过他后来成为了一名反暴力电子游戏的活动人士[40]BBC后来制作了一部纪录片《游戏改变者英语The Gamechangers》记录这一事件。




2009年发售的第一人称射击游戏《決勝時刻:現代戰爭2》包含了一个极具争议的任务关卡:“别说俄语”。在这一关里玩家会扮演一名中情局特工,奉命渗透一个恐怖组织并取得信任,因此他必须参加在莫斯科国际机场的屠杀任务;组织头目为了让人们认为这次恐怖袭击由美国策划,在开始袭击前,对所有袭击者说“Remember, no Russian”(直译为“记住,不要说俄语”,但也有“要杀光现场的俄国人”的意思)。玩家准备开始单人模式之前,游戏会询问玩家是否跳过本关,因为本关有“令人不适的内容”。跳过本关不会惩罚玩家,也不会影响玩家的游戏进度。这一关最后组织头目会杀害主角,并表示自己早已知道主角的真实身份,他的真正目的是引发俄美战争,如果人们发现有中情局特工参与恐怖袭击的话正好能够达到这个目的。

在《使命召唤:现代战争2》正式发布之前,这一关的内容就已被提前泄露到了互联网上,迫使发行商动视和制作商Infinity Ward对记者和活动家的批评做出回应。动视回应说,画面确实来自本游戏,但强调这一任务并不代表游戏其他部分,并且给出了关卡在游戏剧情中的上下文[46][47]。游戏正式发布后,这一关仍饱受批评,一些记者说这表示电子游戏产业仍不成熟[48]。该任务被视为电子游戏行业的分水岭,因为自这之后,像“别说俄语”关卡这样的游戏内容被公众认为是不应出现在游戏中的内容[49][50]









2018年2月14日,19岁的尼古拉斯·克鲁兹进入佛罗里达州帕克兰玛乔丽·斯通曼·道格拉斯高中枪杀17人,并重伤多人。肯塔基州州长馬特·貝文随即呼吁美国应该重新审视“交到青少年手里的东西”[64],特别是“让人们对人的生命价值变得不敏感”的“被反复提及的电子游戏”[65]。事发一个月后,美国总统唐納·川普在华盛顿特区会见了一些行业的代表和倡议者,讨论带有暴力内容的电子游戏的影响:出席者包括娱乐软件协会总裁麦克·加拉格尔、娱乐软件分级委员会总裁帕特里夏·万斯、ZeniMax Media首席执行官罗伯特·奥特曼、Take-Two首席执行官斯特劳斯·泽尔尼克、媒体研究中心英语Media Research Center的布伦特·博泽和家长电视委员会英语Parents Television Council的梅丽莎·亨森。会议期间电子游戏行业的代表仍坚称带有暴力内容的电子游戏和暴力行为之间缺乏联系,而批评者也仍坚称电子游戏行业应当限制青少年接触电子游戏,就像应当限制青少年接触酒类或是香烟一样[66]






2019年10月9日,27岁的斯蒂芬·巴利特在德国萨克森-安哈尔特萨勒河畔哈雷一间犹太会堂附近射杀两人,射伤两人英语Halle synagogue shooting,巴利特在作案时通过FacebookTwitch进行直播,并在直播中发表了极右翼反犹言论[70]。德国内政部长霍斯特·泽霍费尔在事后表示“许多犯罪者或潜在犯罪者来自于游戏圈”[71],他的言论被德国游戏玩家和政治家所批评德国社会民主党总书记拉尔斯·克林拜尔说:“问题出在右翼极端主义上,而非游戏玩家或者别的什么”[72]



2020年1月10日,11岁的何塞·安赫尔·拉莫斯·贝茨在墨西哥科阿韋拉州托雷翁塞万提斯学院枪杀1人,打伤6人后自杀英语Colegio Cervantes shooting。州长米格尔·安赫尔·里克尔梅·索利斯英语Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís在枪击案后几小时宣布,贝茨在作案时穿着一件印有《物竞天择模组logo的衬衫,并表示他可能是受游戏影响作案[73]。州长的言论随即引发争议,墨西哥国立自治大学心理学院的埃里克·萨拉萨尔·弗洛雷斯表示,对那些希望忽视问题本身复杂性的当局来说,将暴力归咎于电子游戏是一种“简单的办法”[74]下加利福尼亚自治大学英语Autonomous University of Baja California的社会学家达利拉·巴伦苏埃拉评论说虽然电子游戏可能会影响青少年的行为,但家长们要负最主要的责任[75]




The policy statement of the American Psychological Association (APA) related to video games states "Scant evidence has emerged that makes any causal or correlational connection between playing violent video games and actually committing violent activities."[69] The APA has acknowledged that violent video games strongly correlates with aggressive behavior, as well as anti-social behavior, but distinguishes between aggression and violence. A 2015 APA review of current studies in this area described the link between violent video games and aggressive behavior as "both as an increase in negative outcomes such as aggressive behavior, cognition, and affect and as a decrease in positive outcomes such as prosocial behavior, empathy, and sensitivity to aggression."[77] However, the APA recognized the studies tended to be disproportionate to normal demographics.[77]

Further, the APA issued a policy statement in 2017 aimed at politicians and media to urge them to avoid linking violent video games with violent crimes, reiterating the subject of their findings over the years.[78] In a follow-up statement in 2020, the APA reaffirmed that there remains insufficient evidence to link video games to violent behavior. They had found that there was "small, reliable association between violent video game use and aggressive outcomes, such as yelling and pushing," but could not extend that to more violent activities.[79]

Christopher Ferguson, a professor at Stetson University and a researcher on the connection between violent video games and violent behavior, has stated that "[t]here's not evidence of a correlation, let alone a causation" between videogames and violence.[80] Ferguson's more recent studies have shown that there is no predictive behavior that can be inferred from the playing of violent video games.[81][82]

A longitudinal study published in Molecular Psychiatry in 2021 found no significant changes in semantic accessibility to aggressive words, frustration tolerance, empathy, or prosocial behavior between those who played a violent video game and those who played a non-violent video game daily for two months.[83] Similarly, a 2023 study published in eLife found that playing violent video games, specifically "Grand Theft Auto V," does not decrease empathy in players. The research used fMRI and behavioral tests to measure empathy and found no significant evidence of reduced empathetic responses or emotional reactions to violence in players.[84]






Research has focused on two elements of the effects of video games on players: the player's health measures and educational achievements as a function of game play amounts; the players' behavior or perceptions as a function of the game's violence levels;[93] the context of the game play in terms of group dynamics; the game's structure which affects players' visual attention or three dimensional constructional skills; and the mechanics of the game which affects hand–eye coordination.[94] Two other research methods that have been used are experimental (in a laboratory), where the different environmental factors can be controlled, and non-experimental, where those who participate in studies simply log their video gaming hours.[4]




1998年,史蒂文·柯什在学术期刊《童年》中写道,游玩电子游戏会导致敌对归因偏差英语hostile attribution bias,他让55名受试者分成两组,分别玩暴力的和非暴力的电子游戏。之后,受试者被要求阅读人物行为模糊的故事,柯什发现被选中玩带有暴力元素电子游戏的受试者更有可能对故事做出负面解释[101]。安德森和迪尔在2000年进行的另一项研究发现,在大学生中,玩带有暴力元素的电子游戏与暴力犯罪之间存在相关性,在激进的男性玩家中,这种相关性更强[102],但有学者指出这项研究的结果并无一致性,研究方法也有缺陷[103]

2001年,美国医务总监英语Surgeon General of the United States大卫·撒切尔英语David Satcher说:“我们显然将媒体暴力与攻击性行为联系在了一起。但与其他因素相比,这种影响非常小。有些人可能对此不满意,但这就是科学。”[104]







2005年,尼古拉斯·L·卡纳吉等人在爱荷华州立大学密西根大学阿姆斯特丹自由大学的一项研究发现,曾玩过带有暴力元素的电子游戏的人在观看真实的暴力影片时,心率皮肤电刺激反应英语Electrodermal activity都较常人偏低,这表明他们对暴力已经生理脱敏[111]






In 2010, after a review of the effects of violent video games, the Attorney General's Office of Australia reported that even though the Anderson meta-analysis of 2010 was the pinnacle of the scientific debate at that time, significant harm from violent video games had not been persuasively proven or disproven, except that there was some consensus that they might be harmful to people with aggressive or psychotic personality traits.[118]

The attorney general considered a number of issues including:

  • Social and political controversy about the topic.
  • Lack of consensus about definitions and measures of aggression and violent video games (for example, whether a cartoon game has the same impact as a realistic one).
  • Levels of aggression may or may not be an accurate marker for the likelihood of violent behaviour.
  • The playing of violent video games may not be an independent variable in determining violent acts (for example, violent behaviour after playing violent video games may be age dependant, or players of violent video games may watch other violent media).
  • Studies may not have been long or large enough to provide clear conclusions.[118]





2013年,200多名媒体学者联名质疑美国心理学会2005年的决议书忽视了结果不一致的研究,歪曲了科学文献[124][125],联名者呼吁重新审视相关研究证据,修订之前的决议,并开展更多的研究。联名者包括心理学家杰弗里·阿内特英语Jeffrey Arnett兰迪·博勒姆英语Randy Borum戴维·巴斯戴维·坎特洛伦萨·科尔扎托英语Lorenza ColzatoM·布伦特·唐纳兰英语M. Brent Donnellan多萝西·埃斯佩拉奇英语Dorothy Espelage法蘭克·S·法利克里斯托弗·弗格森英语Christopher Ferguson (psychologist)彼得·格雷马克·D·格里菲斯英语Mark D. Griffiths杰西卡·哈默英语Jessica Hammer伊藤瑞子英语Mizuko Ito詹姆斯·C·考夫曼英语James C. Kaufman丹娜·克里萨宁英语Dana Klisanin凯瑟琳·麦克布赖德-张英语Catherine McBride-Chang让·默瑟英语Jean Mercer哈尔·帕什勒英语Hal Pashler斯蒂芬·平克理查德·M·瑞安英语Richard M. Ryan托德·肯尼迪·沙克福英语Todd K. Shackelford丹尼尔·西蒙斯英语Daniel Simons伊恩·斯彭斯英语Ian Spence (psychologist)迪恩·西蒙顿英语Dean Simonton,犯罪学家凯文·比弗英语Kevin Beaver詹姆斯·艾伦·福克斯英语James Alan Fox罗杰·J·R·莱维斯克英语Roger J.R. Levesque迈克·A·马尔斯英语Mike A. Males,游戏设计研究者鲍勃·德舒特英语Bob De Schutter库尔特·斯奎尔英语Kurt Squire,通讯学者托尔斯滕·夸特英语Thorsten Quandt及科普作家理查德·罗兹[126][127]



In 2014, Ferguson and Olson found no correlation between video game violence and bullying or delinquency in children with preexisting attention deficit disorder or depressive symptoms.[129]

In 2014, Villanova professor Patrick M. Markey conducted a study with 118 teenagers suggesting that video games have no influence on increased aggression of users; however, he did find that when used for the right amount of time (roughly 1 hour) video games can make children nicer and more socially interactive. This information was provided by the teens teachers at their local schools.[130][來源可靠?]



In 2015, the American Psychological Association released a review that found that violent video games caused aggressive behavior, with Mark Appelbaum, the chair of the task force that conducted the review, saying that "the link between violence in video games and increased aggression in players is one of the most studied and best established in the field." However, Appelbaum also characterized the size of the correlation as "not very big". The same review found insufficient evidence of a link between such video games and crime or delinquency. Critics, including Peter Gray and Christopher Ferguson, expressed concerns about methodological limitations of the review. Ferguson stated that "I think (the task force members) were selected because their opinions were pretty clear going in." At least four of the seven task force members had previously expressed opinions on the topic; critics argued this alone constitutes a conflict of interest, while a task force member defended that "If it were common practice to exclude all scientists after they render one conclusion, the field would be void of qualified experts".[133][134]



In 2016, a preregistered study of violent video game effects concluded that violent video games did not influence aggression in players.[90] The preregistered nature of the study removed the potential for the scholars to "nudge" the results of the study in favor of the hypothesis and suggests that preregistration of future studies may help clarify results in the field.




2010年,安德森等人发布了一项元分析研究报告,该报告分析了130项国际研究,总计被分析人数超过13万人。他们报告说,接触暴力的电子游戏会导致玩家产生短期性和长期性的攻击行为,还会减少同情心和亲社会行为[138]。然而,其他学者批评这项元分析排除了一些研究,并存在一些方法上的缺陷[139][140][141]。安德森等人为他们进行的元分析进行了辩护,反驳了这些批评[142]。密歇根大学心理学和社会学学者罗威尔·胡斯曼英语Rowell Huesmann后来撰写了一篇社论,支持安德森等人的结果[143]。后来的另一份对安德森等人报告的再分析说,被分析的研究中的发表偏差比安德森等人以为的要更大,这意味着实际结果可能比安德森等人得到的结果要小,甚至可能没有统计学上的意义[144]。安德森等人表示他们知道这些实验中存在发表偏差,但仍认为得到的结论可靠[145]

A 2015 meta-analysis of video game effects suggested that video games, including violent games, had minimal impact on children's behavior including violence, prosocial behavior and mental health.[146] The journal included a debate section on this meta-analysis including scholars who were both supportive[147] and critical[148][149] of this meta-analysis. The original author also responded to these comments, arguing that few coherent methodological critiques had been raised.[150] In 2016, Kanamori and Doi replicated the original Angry Birds meta-analysis and concluded that critiques of the original meta were largely unwarranted.[151]


A 2020 meta-analysis of long-term outcome studies concluded that evidence did not support links between earlier playing of violent games and later aggression. The authors found an overall correlation of r = 0.059, and stated that better quality studies were less likely to find evidence for effects than poorer quality studies.[153][154]


电子游戏对大脑的长期影响程度也存在一定争议,学者们就此使用功能性磁共振成像进行了一些研究。一些研究表明,电子游戏玩家的杏仁核功能增强,而額葉功能减弱[155]。一些学者由此认为电子游戏对额叶的影响可能类似于侵擾行為障礙症英语disruptive behavior disorders中出现的失活现象[156][157]。此外,这方面的一些研究被指存在利益冲突。布朗诉娱乐商业协会案中的一些人指出克罗嫩伯格所做的研究是由“成功父母中心”公开资助的,故可能意味着存在利益冲突[158]



In 2008, records held by the US Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and Office of Justice Programs indicated that arrests for violent crime in the US had decreased since the early 1990s in both children and adults.[162][163][164] This decrease occurred contemporaneously with increasing sales of violent video games and increases in graphically violent content in those games.[165][166]

Studies of violent video game playing and crime have generally not supported the existence of causal links. Evidence from studies of juveniles[167][168][169] as well as criminal offenders[170] has generally not uncovered evidence for links. Some studies have suggested that violent video game playing may be associated with reductions in some types of aggression, such as bullying.[171]

Studies of mass shootings have, likewise, provided no evidence for links with violent video games. A 2002 report from the US Secret Service found that school shooters appeared to consume relatively low levels of violent media.[172] Some criminologists have referred to claims linking violent video games to mass shootings as a "myth".[173]

Some studies have examined the consumption of violent video games in society and violent crime rates. Generally, it is acknowledged that societal violent video game consumption has been associated with over an 80% reduction in youth violence in the US during the corresponding period.[174] However, scholars note that, while this data is problematic for arguments that violent video games increase crime, such data is correlational and cannot be used to conclude video games have caused this decline in crime.[175]

Other studies have examined data on violent video games and crime trends more closely and have come to the conclusion that the release of very popular violent video games are causally associated with corresponding declines in violent crime in the short term. A 2011 study by the Center for European Economic Research[176] found that violent video games may be reducing crime. This is possibly because the time spent playing games reduces time spent engaged in more antisocial activities. Other recent studies by Patrick Markey[177] and Scott Cunningham[178] have come to similar conclusions.


Jack Thompson, an activist, filed lawsuits against the makers of violent games, alleging that simulated violence causes real-world violence.

In the early 1980s, Ronnie Lamm, the president of the Long Island PTA sought legislation to govern the proximity of video game arcades to schools.[179] In the 1990s, Joe Lieberman, a US Senator, chaired a hearing about violent video games such as Mortal Kombat.[180] David Grossman, a former West Point psychology lecturer and lieutenant colonel, wrote books about violence in the media including: On Killing (1996) and Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill (1999).[181] He described first-person shooter games as murder simulators, and argued that video game publishers unethically train children in the use of weapons and harden them emotionally towards commitments of murder by simulating the killing of hundreds or thousands of opponents in a single typical video game.[182]

In 2003, Craig A. Anderson, a researcher who testified on the topic before the U.S. Senate, said,

"[S]ome studies have yielded nonsignificant video game effects, just as some smoking studies failed to find a significant link to lung cancer. But when one combines all relevant empirical studies using meta-analytic techniques, it shows that violent video games are significantly associated with: increased aggressive behavior, thoughts, and affect; increased physiological arousal; and decreased pro-social (helping) behavior."[183][184][185][186]

In 2005, Anderson was criticized in court for failing to give balanced expert evidence.[187]

In 2008, in Grand Theft Childhood: The Surprising Truth About Violent Video Games and What Parents Can Do, Kutner and Olsen refuted claims that violent video games cause an increase in violent behavior in children. They report there is a scientifically non-significant trend showing that adolescents who do not play video games at all are most at risk for violent behavior and video game play is part of an adolescent boy's normal social setting. However, the authors did not completely deny the negative influences of violent (M-rated) video games on pre-teens and teenagers: Kutner and Olson suggested the views of alarmists and those of representatives of the video game industry are often supported by flawed or misconstrued studies and that the factors leading to violence in children and adolescents were more subtle than whether or not they played violent video games.[188][189]

Henry Jenkins, an academic in media studies, said,

"According to federal crime statistics, the rate of juvenile violent crime in the United States is at a 30-year low. Researchers find that people serving time for violent crimes typically consume less media before committing their crimes than the average person in the general population. It's true that young offenders who have committed school shootings in America have also been game players. But young people in general are more likely to be gamers—90 percent of boys and 40 percent of girls play. The overwhelming majority of kids who play do not commit antisocial acts. According to a 2001 U.S. Surgeon General's report, the strongest risk factors for school shootings centered on mental stability and the quality of home life, not media exposure. The moral panic over violent video games is doubly harmful. It has led adult authorities to be more suspicious and hostile to many kids who already feel cut off from the system. It also misdirects energy away from eliminating the actual causes of youth violence and allows problems to continue to fester."[190]

In 2013, Corey Mead, a professor of English at Baruch College, wrote about how the U.S. military financed the original development of video games, and has long used them for both training, recruitment purposes, and treatment of post traumatic stress disorder. He also argues that the two industries are currently intertwined into each other in a "military-entertainment complex".[191] Writing in 2013, scholars James Ivory and Malte Elson noted that, although research on video game effects remained inconclusive, the culture of the academic field itself had become very contentious and that politicians had put pressure on scientists to produce specific research findings. The authors concluded it is improper for scholars or legislators to, at present, portray video games as a public health crisis.[127] Research by Oxford psychologist Andrew Przybylski has shown that Americans are split in opinion on how video game violence links to gun violence. Przybylski found that older people, women rather than men, people who knew less about games and who were very conservative in ideology were most likely to think video games could cause gun violence.[192]

Several groups address video game violence as a topic that they focus on. Groups such as Parents Against Violence, Parents Against Media Violence and One Million Moms take stances aimed at limiting the violence in video games and other media.[193][194][195]

Video games, particularly violent ones, are often mentioned as a cause for major gun crimes in the wake of school shooting by young adults. For example, Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old shooter at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, was found to have numerous video games in his possession, leading for some people to blame video games for the shooting;[196] however, the State Attorney did not link video game to the event in their final report of the incident, though identified that video game addiction may have been connected.[197][198] In February 2018, following the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida, President Donald Trump, among others, said "the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts".[199] Rhode Island state representative Robert Nardolillo also proposed legislation to tax violent video games (those rated "Mature" or higher by the ESRB) to use funds for supporting mental health programs in the state.[200]

Following the Stoneman Douglas shooting event, President Trump arranged to meet with several video game industry professionals on March 8, 2018; in attendance beyond Trump and other Congressmen included Mike Gallagher, the president and CEO of the ESA; Pat Vance, the president of the ESRB; Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take Two Interactive, Robert Altman, CEO of ZeniMax Media; Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center; and Melissa Hanson, program manager for the Parents Television Council. The meeting was not designed to come to a solution but only for the invited parties to present their stance on video games and their relationship to violent activity as to try to determine appropriate steps in the future.[201] At the start of the meeting, the President showed the attendees a short 88-second video of numerous violent video game segments put together by his staff, including the infamous "No Russian" level from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which featured the player watching and potentially participating in a massacre of civilians in an airport.[202]

The White House later released the video to YouTube, where it quickly became popular due to the controversy over the relationship between video games and real-life violence; despite being unlisted shortly after being uploaded, it has reached about 1.6 million views as of 2023.[203][204] The video is still accessible via URL, and media outlets like IGN included links to the original in their responses to the matter.[205] Games for Change made a short response video with 550.000 views titled "#GameOn".[206]



Video games are rated in Australia by the Australian Classification Board (ACB), run out of the federal Attorney-General's Department. ACB also oversees ratings on films and applies the same ratings system as to video games. Broadly, the ratings system is based on a number of factors including violence. The ACB can refuse to classify a film or game if they felt the content was beyond allowable guidelines for the strictest ratings. Titles refused classification by ACB are thus illegal to sell within Australia and assess fines for those that attempted to import such games, while allowing titles with more mature ratings to be sold under regulated practices. Prior to 2011, video games could only qualify up to a "MA15+" rating, and not the next highest tier of "R18+" which were allowed for film. Several high-profile games thus were banned in Australia. The ACB agreed to allow video games to have R18+ ratings in 2011, and some of these games that were previously banned were subsequently allowed under R18+.


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  203. ^ Spangler, Todd. Trump White House's Horribly Violent Video-Game Reel Goes Viral. Variety. March 9, 2018 [March 12, 2018]. 
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Category:电子游戏 Category:电子游戏争议 Category:Moral panic