User:Psycho CSL/腹外側核

MNG = 中線核群英语Midline nuclear group
AN = 前核群英语Anterior nuclear group
MD = 內側背核英语Medial dorsal nucleus
VNG = 腹側核群
VA = 腹前核
VL = 腹外側核
VPL = 腹後外側核英语Ventral posterolateral nucleus
VPM = 腹後內側核英语Ventral posteromedial nucleus
LNG = 外側核群
PUL = 枕核英语pulvinar nuclei
MTh = 視丘後部
LG = 外侧膝状体
MG =內側膝狀體英语Medial geniculate nucleus
神经解剖学术语英语Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

腹外側核ventral lateral nucleus ,縮寫VL)是視丘腹側核群中的一個核團。


腹外側核接收來自基底核,包括黑質和蒼白球透過丘腦束的神經元輸入。它也接收來自小腦透過齒狀丘腦束英语dentatothalamic tract的輸入。

It sends neuronal output to the primary motor cortex and premotor cortex.

The ventral lateral nucleus in the thalamus forms the motor functional division in the thalamic nuclei along with the ventral anterior nucleus. The ventral lateral nucleus receives motor information from the cerebellum and the globus pallidus. Output from the ventral lateral nucleus then goes to the primary motor cortex.[1]


The function of the ventral lateral nucleus is to target efferents including the motor cortex, premotor cortex, and supplementary motor cortex. Therefore, its function helps the coordination and planning of movement. It also plays a role in the learning of movement.[2]

Clinical significance

A lesion of the VL has been associated with synesthesia.[3]



  1. ^ Orrison Jr., W. (2008). Atlas of Brain Function. New York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
  2. ^ Crosson, B., (1992). Subcortical Functions in Language and Memory. New York: The Guliford Press.
  3. ^ Ro T, Farnè A, Johnson RM, et al. Feeling sounds after a thalamic lesion. Annals of Neurology. 2007, 62 (5): 433–41. PMID 17893864. doi:10.1002/ana.21219. 
